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BSI PD CEN/TS 17400:2020


Intelligent transport systems. Urban ITS. Mixed vendor environments, methodologies & translators

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BSI 2020 52
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This document focuses on the principal aspects of urban ITS where vendor lock-in is recognized as a technical and financial problem: primarily centre-to-field communications and traffic management systems. It will cover the following scope:

  • approaches to the management of MVEs by urban authorities, including mitigation and migration options;

  • procedural and operational protocols to achieve interworking, using product/interface adaptation, translation products, replacement/reengineering, and other migration strategies;

  • technical options for interworking multiple vendors’ products;

  • mechanisms to enable interoperability through automated translation between specifications, frameworks and product interfaces;

  • review of principal approaches taken to date to implement these options in community frameworks and specifications.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
12 5.1 General
13 5.2 Interfaces between systems
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Interfaces with other system owners
14 5.2.3 Interfaces between procurements by a systems owner
15 5.2.4 Interfaces within a single procurement
5.3 Legacy and migration issues
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Adaptation
16 5.3.3 Translation
5.3.4 Migration
6.1 Design methodologies
6.1.1 System design and system architecture
17 6.1.2 Systems, subsystems and interfaces
18 6.2 Public procurement constraints
19 6.3 Communications
6.3.1 Communications options
20 6.3.2 Communications approach in an MVE
21 7.1 Introduction
23 7.2 Specifications
7.3 Location of functional processing
24 7.4 Data storage and caching
25 7.5 Data models: concepts, definitions and units
26 7.6 Upper layer protocol adaptors
7.7 Communications network translation
27 7.8 Information security
28 Annex A (informative)Approach of DVM Exchange/IVERA to interoperability
A.1 Introduction
A.1.1 DVM-Exchange
A.2 General architectural approach of DVM-Exchange
30 A.3 General architectural approach of IVERA
31 A.4 Procurement issues and impact
A.5 Management and governance
32 A.6 Example DVM Exchange/IVERA implementation: Deventer
34 Annex B (informative)Approach of OCIT to interoperability
B.1 Introduction
35 B.2 General architectural approach
B.3 Procurement issues and impact
36 B.4 Management
B.5 Example OCIT implementation
B.5.1 Introduction
37 B.5.2 ITS Example City
B.5.3 Advantages and disadvantages
B.5.3.1 Advantages
38 B.5.3.2 Disadvantages
39 Annex C (informative)Approach of UTMC to interoperability
C.1 Introduction
40 C.2 General architectural approach
C.2.1 Architectural principles of UTMC
C.2.2 The UTMC Level model
41 C.2.3 The UTMC Nodes model
42 C.3 Procurement issues and impact
43 C.4 Management
C.5 Example UTMC implementation: Reading
C.5.1 Introduction
C.5.2 Reading’s ITS
44 C.5.3 Benefits
45 Annex D (informative)Approach of RSMP to interoperability
D.1 Introduction
46 D.2 General architectural approach of RSMP
D.2.1 Object model
D.2.2 Sequence diagram and data exchange
48 D.3 Procurement issues and impact
49 D.4 Management and governance
BSI PD CEN/TS 17400:2020